Over the weekend, I realized that I am still a bit rusty at being single. An off-handed comment from Danny (who I had a great time with), my own recent post on recommendation letters, and maybe a tad of Wanda Sykes made me think about the secret language of gay clubs.
Keep in mind, it’s not particularly polite. Hey, the Center of Gravitas ain’t a site for kids. Go somewhere else for Family Values.
Here is what gay men say in clubs and what they really mean:
What He Says: “Wow, you dance really well.”
What He Means: “I want to touch your cock.”
What He Says: “How long have you lived here?”
What He Means: “Why aren’t you touching my cock?”
What He Says: “Haven’t we met before?”
What He Means: “Nobody has touched my cock in ten years.”
What He Says: “When I think of my ideal relationship, I imagine a perfect egalitarian communion of souls.”
What He Means: “Nobody knows how to touch my cock to make me orgasm except me.”
What He Says: “I want to touch your cock.”
What He Means: “I want to touch your cock.”
What He Says: “Brokeback Mountain is my new favorite gay movie.”
What He Means: “I really want to touch Jake Gyllenhaal's cock, but will settle for yours.”
What He Says: “My last relationship? Oh, it was a mutual decision to end that.”
What He Means: “I was cheating on my boyfriend.”
What He Says: “My last relationship? Oh, he really changed and it was ultimately better that we split.”
What He Means: “My boyfriend was cheating on me.”
What He Says: “Is it okay if we go to your place? My roommates have to work early tomorrow.”
What He Means: “I am 34 and still live with my parents, who also don’t know I am gay.”
What He Says: “What do you do for a living?”
What He Means: “You have five minutes to impress me until I look for someone else to touch my cock.”
What He Says: “Yeah, the music is okay in here tonight. Saturdays are usually better because they have guest DJ’s. Really, though, the best DJ comes here on Tuesdays.”
What He Means: “I am a hopeless alcoholic who needs an intervention.”
What He Says: “Hey, GayProf! I loved your class last semester.”
What He Means: “Silly, GayProf. Don’t you know that clubs are for kids?”
What He Says: “Because of my upbringing, I still participate in my Baptist Church despite their stance on gays.”
What He Means: “I cry after touching another man’s cock.”
What He Says: “Do you want another drink?”
What He Means: “Let’s go to the restroom and touch each other’s cocks.”
What He Says: “I am not sure why I have never had a long-term-relationship. I just never found the right guy to love.”
What He Means: “I am an emotional vampire who will leave you a dried husk of a man, but I really know how to touch your cock.”
What He Says: “Hey, I want you to meet my friend. You two have a lot in common.”
What He Means: “We are looking for a three-way.”
What He Says: “I just like to come here to dance.”
What He Means: “I have touched the cock of every man in this bar at least three times.”
What He Says: “What types of books do you like to read?”
What He Means: “I have never seen another man’s cock in my life.”
What He Says: “Usually I don’t come to the club because I am so shy.”
What He Means: “I am into remarkably kinky shit that you didn’t even know existed.”
What He Says (within two minutes of meeting): “I am one of those gay men who loves sports.”
What He Means: “I can’t catch a ball to save my life. I am an exclusive bottom, but can’t come to terms with that part of my desires. Therefore, I am constantly trying to prove my masculinity.”
What He Says: “I think I am going to check out what’s happening at the club next door.”
What He Means: “I would rather eat glass than have you touch my cock.”
What He Says: “Hey, it’s good to see you again!”
What He Means: “I miss touching your cock.”
What He Says: “Oh, hey, I haven’t seen you in awhile. I can’t even remember the last time we saw each other.”
What He Means: “Touching your cock bored me.”
What He Says: “I am straight, but really like the music here better than the other clubs in town.”
What He Means: “I am horribly closeted, but deeply want to touch your cock for the next three days.”
What He Says: “I don’t really notice that this is a gay club.”
What He Means: “I am straight, but really like the music here better than the other clubs in town.”
What He Says: “Man, it’s really dead in here tonight.”
What He Means: “I am going home to touch my own cock.”