Until I can get a friend to come in and jiggle my head, I found a different type of meme over at MaggieMay’s that I will blatantly steal. Here is the idea: You, dear readers, use the comments section on this entry to request a picture of anything from my life that you would like to see posted on my little bloggy. Using the miracle technology of my cell phone and a twitch of my nose, I will fulfill your requests on Monday.
For instance, let’s say somebody in the comments asked to see my NRFB 1978 Mego Wonder Woman doll. I would respond by posting this picture:

Or, suppose that somebody asked to see what most influenced my scholarship, I would post this picture:

Of course, there are some rules. To protect the innocent, I won’t post pictures of people other than me. Likewise, I am not going to take any pornographic/half-naked pictures of myself. I would like to keep my readers, not send them fleeing into the night screaming.
Consider this the lazy-man’s way of stalking GayProf. You can rummage through my life, but I will do most of the work for you. This might also be a means to keep me entertained now that I no longer have cable television. I am depending on you! Just tell me what you want to see and I will go on a photo scavenger hunt.
I would like to see your favorite pair of shoes.
Paul: Thanks for asking -- You've got it! Heck, I could even show all my shoes as I only have three pairs. Yeah, yeah. I know, my gay card has been placed on provisional status.
I want to see your refridgerator door. both outside and inside.
BAH! Tornwordo's request is too similar to what I wanted. Hm.
I want to see either:
A) the article of clothing you've owned for the longest time
B) the inside of your garbage can
I totally want to see your bathroom - plus a picture of the most useless kitchen utensil/food serving object you currently own - please! (if you say "fork" for the latter, I will report this lapse and your copy of "the gay agenda" will be picked up by the secret gay cabal later today)
How about a picture of GayProf!
I want to see a picture of your favorite vintage gay porn... you know, for research purposes only of course.
That's totally what you're hearing! Blessed is the fruit of thy blog, amen!
I would like to see a picture of the inside of your junk drawer.
Just you, dear Prof...just you. (sighs...)
I'm going to pull out a big gun. You've posted enough Wonder Woman covers to wallpaper Grand Central Station. What issue is your favorite?
show us your workspace.
what do you look at while you write to us?
i'd also like to know what's at eye level while sitting on your toilet.
The contents of the top drawer of your dresser?
A picture of your prize comic book.
One picture each of:
Something that makes you angry.
Something that makes you sad.
Something that makes you happy.
With commentary, of course.
I want to see a picture of the queerest thing you think you own in your house.
And, a picture of any scar you have (with a story about how you got it, of course) [but only if the scar is located in a non-porno area...lol.]
i would like to see your favourite chair. oh, and the inside of the glove compartment of your car.
Your favorite non-WW-related comic. Or do you even buy those?
This is so cliche, and will probably not be granted. The thing you own that you are most ashamed of owning, and no dumb movies please...
GayProf, I would like to see a picture of an outfit (or item of clothing) you wear when you want o feel like a supah-stah.
Did anyone mention the inside of your medicine cabinet?
Awww, a Catholic boy...Hail, Mary, indeed!
I was going to ask for your cute butt, but you ruled that off limits. Instead, how about a picture of your favorite coffee mug.
Favorite underwear or jock, and why it's special.
I would like to see where you put your spare change and the one tool in your kitchen you could not live without.
Squee! This is fun.
I want to see a picture of the musical recording you've owned longest.
I would like to see a photo of:
1. You in your favorite Halloween costume
2. You at your sexiest
3. Your best childhood photo
Boy, everyone got all the good ones. I'm coming up empty. Ummmm, how about . . . what you sleep in.
I would like to see your bookshelves at home.
Wow... that's a lot of pictures... I thought this would be a neat idea for me, too, until I saw palochi's request (I would totally be busted with that pic)...
This is gonna be fun to see!
A picture of your feet. You can tell a lot about a man by his feet.
I'm with Elizabeth: let's see a picture of your bathroom. They tell me that you can tell EVERYTHING about one of us by looking at his bathroom....
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