Meanwhile, on Paradise Island, this is that special moment of the year when all the Amazons reaffirm their devotion to the Goddess Diana during their annual Festival of the Return of the Sun. Yes, they will be dressing like deer, having massive tickle fights, and baking each other into pies. Just good, traditional, Amazon fun. Have I ever mentioned that I suspect William Moulton Marston took a lot of drugs in the 1940s?
Kiddies, I finally gave up on sending out actual holiday cards sometime ago. So let me use this moment to wish you all a happy non-sectarian, non-denominational winter holiday! And to all my loyal Wookie readers, let me extend you a special greeting for your celebration of Life Day.
Well, we do at least know that Marston was into, um, alternative practices. Like baking "does" into pies, apparently.
merry happy.
This captcha is hypterse, which MUST have something to do with Diana; I'm just not sure what.
Are there turkey-stuffed tamales? Or pumpkin? Mmmmm....*drool*
Happy NSNDWH to you, too! *hugs*
mmmm tamales . . .
happy "random" end of the year break to you too. :D
Enjoy your tamales, GayProf. Myself, I will be dreaming of green chile chicken enchiladas.
Happy Christmas, Merry Solstice (late), Enjoyable Kwanzaa, Prosperous Hannukah, and have a good Thursday. ;-)
Holiday greetings to you as well. And here's to a prosperous 2009 where the NEPOD is completed and deemed a masterpiece. ;-)
Happy Holidays (yes, that's right, I'm a foot soldier in the War on Christmas!), GayProf, my Strong Amazon Sister!
I saw the Star Wars Holiday special (recently, unfortunately) and so your random pop cultural reference was not at all lost on me.
And I can't believe you made me admit that out loud.
Happy Life Day to you as well, GP.
And a raucous Saturnalia to you!
(Plus, let me echo: mmmmmm, tamales!)
Mmmmmm tamales. MMmmmmm Amazon pie.
I was stuffed on tamales this year (it helps to have friends with Mexican grandmothers). Oh the joy of food.
Happy New Year to you, Gayprof!
My grandma always made tamales for Christmas and weddings, too.
Happy New Year! I love your blog, even though you don't post often enough to keep me truly satisfied. (Though "keep them wanting more" is probably a good motto for blogs as well as show biz.)
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