We all know that I
- Wonder Civics: Okay, you like to “fight for your rights and the good ol’ red, white and blue in your satin tights.”

This is what you wear to fight crime:

This is what you wear when you go swimming:

Diana, it seems like you might be a bit confused about appropriate attire. Not that I am complaining about your red, white and blue playboy-bunny suit. Believe, I am also not one of those people who is going to whine about you wearing six-inch heels. Sure you risk breaking an ankle running and jumping, but at what price fashion? It is just that usually we wear less clothing in the water than out. Just a hint, Diana.
While we are talking about your outfit, why change the eagle on your bustier to the WW? The eagle made sense. The eagle went with the general patriotic fervor of the whole outfit.

Okay, I understand you are not really a U.S. citizen. But, then why keep the star-spangled panties?

The WW seems to bare an uncanny resemblance to the following images:
VanHalen Symbol – Did you find a penchant for eighties hair bands?

Whataburger symbol – Do you secretly gorge on greasy mystery meat patties?

These are the mysteries of an icon. . .
Too geeky of an entry? Hey, it's almost the holidays, cut me some slack.
Stumbled on your log. I think it's fab.
This post was very funny. Reminded me of when I took "How to Be Gay" at Univ. of Mich. We had a presentation from a straight girl (18 years old) discussing the finer points of Wonder Woman the TV show. She noted a fondness for clips of Wonder Woman being bound and gagged.
I felt very queer explaining the metal in her bracelets (femininium (sp?)), how her lasso worked, the men in her life, etc. I hadn't watched the show in 17+ years.
Hail, Amazon Sister. Thanks for stopping by my little bloggy.
I need to sign up for that "How to be Gay" class! My gayness has become a bit rusty.
Hehe, nice one. I'm still stressed about the change of actress concerning Diana's mother on the TV show. The studio had no problem with the switchover, but it always made me wonder: since when was Morticia Addams Queen Hippolyta??
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